
The Last Game

At every moment every being is creating karma and at the same time is facing the effects of the past karma.

Every thought, every word, every action, every feeling and every emotion is subjected to the laws of karma.

Even the passing thought...........even the thought that you did not mean to think.................the thoughts that come and go...........the thoughts that you do not even remember...........all of them shall remain as the energy that you have created in the cosmos and shall at the appropriate moment return to you as the fruit that you alone shall taste.

What alone you have created that alone you shall receive...............not a drop more..............not a drop less.

The good that you do............you alone shall earn..................the mistakes of the ego shall bring their pain not only to you but to those that you love.

Be aware of all that you do say think and feel..................be aware for something that may have meant nothing to you at the time may return and take away everything  when you least expect it.

Karma is like the ball that you throw into the cosmos.................it disappears for a while............you do not see it .................but it is there.........waiting..............and its gathering greater momentum.........much greater to return what you sent back to you.

Even the saint is subjected to the law of karma.................because he does all in the name of God all that returns to Him is the power and grace of the Supreme consciousness

When you are aware of being good at all times and you follow its path then the time you give to another returns to you as more time to do the greater good.

The more time you spend in doing good the lesser you become aware of time and the more awareness you have for being good.

In the moments of pain the man of desire wishes to be free of them............then again the moment he gains he forgets the pain and desires again.

Your present is an accumulation of the past ................you have to face the past with discrimination and faith in God for the present moment to be crystal clear.

Yes there is the law of karma that you face at every moment...........and yes God is protecting moment to moment..............

No doubt the rise and the falls of the past shall come to you................no doubt even if you resolve to be good from now on the sweet and bitter  fruits of the past shall return...............no doubt you may be tested each time you place yourself in the hands of God...................in fact I say most of your fears may surface when you turn yourself to being good................but the cannot and should not weaken you...................the transformation will occur................you have to believe in yourself........................you have to take the ball for the last time and hand it into the hand of God.................and play the game without being.....the player!
